Healthcare research and strategy for the real world

Outcomes Insights is a healthcare research company created to inform and guide the critical decisions our clients make every day. Our core capabilities span two practice areas—market research and commercial strategy, and real world evidence generation.
We make hard questions
easy to answer
No matter the challenge or question, we believe there's a solution waiting to be uncovered; we're ready to uncover it. With decades of direct experience in healthcare commercialization, we're experts in areas that are key to any brand's success.
Generating real-world evidence with state-of-the-art software
We've leveraged decades of experience in analyzing real-world data into the development of our publicly available data model and our in-house software. This powerful platform offers an unmatched ability to analyze data in the areas of epidemiology, health services research, and health economics.

Commercial assessment

  • Opportunity assessment
  • Due diligence
  • Market sizing and validation

Innovation strategy

  • Pipeline prioritization
  • Franchise strategy
  • Asset optimization
  • Scenario planning

Product development and brand planning

  • Performance requirements
  • Value proposition
  • Patient journey
  • Buying process
  • Competitive landscape
  • Positioning
  • Pricing
  • Revenue models

Brand performance

  • Concept and messaging optimization
  • Launch tracking and key performance indicators
  • Early experience/drivers/barriers
  • Customer insights and experience

Our approach

The business question drives the methodology. Every study we create is custom made for the unique challenges you face. We never take a canned approach, and there are no black boxes.

Recent engagements

Myelofibrosis treatment pathway and new product position
  • Quantify current diagnostic and treatment pathway
  • Identity novel clinical endpoints for disease modification
  • Gain feedback on new product profile and explore receptivity and intent to use by line of therapy and by patient prior treatment experience
  • Assess risk of late-stage development products
  • Quantitative online survey (n=100)
  • Scenario-based evaluations of intent to use
  • Prioritized potential indications leading with use in first-line JAK2 inhibitor-naive patients
  • Identified priority clinical endpoints to demonstrate disease modification
  • Quantified intent to use to support market valuation and forecast
RA patient preference study for novel therapeutic device
  • Establish the minimum level of evidence necessary to drive patient preference for a novel implanted microregulator for the treatment of RA over current drug and biologic treatment options
  • Generate a caliber of evidence sufficient enough to support a regulatory decision as well as publication
  • Identify a segment of RA patients who are most receptive to the device
  • Quantitative online survey (n=297)
  • Discrete choice experiment featuring trade-offs between product features
  • Microregulator device most strongly preferred among those experienced with biologic DMARDs; clinical program refocused on patients experienced with biologic DMARDs
Interstitial lung disease diagnosis pathway Patient journey in diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Characterize the patient journey of interstitial lung disease as patients seek diagnosis
  • In collaboration with the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF), research was conducted with members of the PFF and Inspire Online Community to explore patient's diagnostic pathway, including testing, misdiagnosis, unnecessary treatment, referral patterns, and timeline
  • Documented significant delays in diagnosis and diagnostic errors
  • Presented at PFF annual meeting 2015
  • Call to action put forth at the annual PFF meeting with agreement to prioritize development of improved testing options
Breast Cancer Patients’ Use of Cannabis Before, During, and After Treatment.
  • Characterize the current level of awareness and understanding of the role of medical marijuana in managing the pain caused by cancer and the side effects of treatment
  • Evaluate the perceptions of the effectiveness of medical marijuana in the breast cancer community
  • Delineate experience with and interest in medical cannabis along the breast cancer treatment pathway
  • Characterize the nature of conversations about medical cannabis with the treatment team
Patient Advocacy Group
  • Partnership with, COALA-T, and Amanda Hemp
  • 10-minute online survey; n=612 breast cancer patients
  • Patient respondents recruited through BCO community
Media and Communication Materials
  • ASCO presentations (2) and abstracts (2)
  • Manuscript pending publication
  • Press release
Role of next generation sequencing in lung cancer diagnosis Accelerating NGS in lung cancer diagnostic pathway
  • Explore the market opportunity to accelerate use of NGS tumor profiling test in diagnostic pathway; willingness to order at the time of initial lung cancer bronchoscopy
  • Hybrid hospital-based buying process/concept test with all stakeholders in pathway (pulmonologists, pathologists, oncologists)
  • Commercial opportunity established for NGS-driven tumor panel in diagnostic pathway and product performance requirements defined
  • Curated and staged test report identified as integral to commercial success
  • Company is moving forward with development plan
Impact on patients' and caregivers' daily lives and well-being
  • Determine the impact of glaucoma on patients and caregivers as well as identify their information and support needs
Patient Advocacy Group
  • Partnership with GRF and pharma partner
  • 10-minute online survey with over 1500 patients and 60 caregivers
  • Patient respondents recruited through GRF community
Media and Communication Materials
  • Media outreach
  • Editorial supplements, audio news release, matter release, infographic
  • Editorial materials for a trade media partner (e.g., Glaucoma Today)
  • Poster presentations
Perspectives from people with migraine disease
  • Highlight the experiences of people with migraine disease, the trade-offs made to manage their disease with current therapies, and the impact of the disease on daily life
Patient Advocacy Group
  • Partnership with NHS and pharma partner
  • 10-minute online survey with more than 1000 men and women aged 18-70+ who suffer from migraine disease
  • Patient respondents recruited through NHF community
Media and Communication Materials
  • NHF website content
  • Influencer engagement and presentation
  • Facebook Live: Event to dive deeper intro migraine survey results; currently available on demand
  • campaign
Analyses of observational data
In healthcare, information is power. To communicate the true value of a product, whether for treating a disease or managing its complications, it is critical to have a detailed understanding of what happens to patients over time. This includes calculating event rates, characterizing treatment patterns, estimating treatment effects, and measuring long-term costs of care.
We developed software for creating analysis-ready datasets from observational data with an emphasis on flexibility and reproducibility. We use this in our own research and to collaborate with other organizations.
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We regularly update our report, which covers all publications to date use SEER-Medicare data.
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Experience where it matters
We have published research in many disease areas with particular experience in oncology, cardiovascular disease, and nephrology. Our detailed understanding of Medicare data includes the SEER-Medicare linked data, the United States Renal Data System (USRDS data), and the 5% Medicare sample. We also conduct research using electronic health records, including data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) from the United Kingdom. Furthermore, our extensive experience enables us to easily work with proprietary datasets from health plans and providers.
Selected publications are listed below
Danese MD, Pemberton-Ross P, Catterick D, Villa G. Estimation of the increased risk associated with recurrent events or polyvascular atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Jan 21:2047487319899212. doi: 10.1177/2047487319899212. PMID: 31964187
Danese MD, Halperin M, Duryea J, Duryea R. The Generalized Data Model for clinical research. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019 Jun 24;19(1):117. doi: 10.1186/s12911-019-0837-5. PMID: 31234921
Khunti, K, Danese MD, Kutikova L, Catterick D, Sorio-Vilela F, Gleeson M, Seshasai SRK, Brownrigg J, Ray KK. Association of a Combined Measure of Adherence and Treatment Intensity With Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Atherosclerosis or Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors Treated With Statins and/or Ezetimibe. JAMA Netw Open. 2018;1(8):e185554. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.5554. PMID: 30646277
Bressler NM, Varma R, Doan QV, Gleeson M, Danese M, Bower JK, Selvin E, Dolan C, Fine J, Colman S, Turpcu A. Underuse of the health care system by persons with diabetes mellitus and diabetic macular edema in the United States. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2014 Feb;132(2):168-73. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.6426. PubMed PMID: 24357541
Block GA, Kilpatrick RD, Lowe KA, Wang W, Danese MD. CKD-mineral and bone disorder and risk of death and cardiovascular hospitalization in patients on hemodialysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Dec;8(12):2132-40. doi: 10.2215/CJN.04260413. Epub 2013 Sep 19. PMID: 24052218
Griffiths RI, Gleeson ML, Mikhael J, Danese MD. Impact on Medical Cost, Cumulative Survival, and Cost-Effectiveness of Adding Rituximab to First-Line Chemotherapy for Follicular Lymphoma in Elderly Patients: An Observational Cohort Study Based on SEER-Medicare. J Cancer Epidemiol. 2012;2012:978391. doi: 10.1155/2012/978391. Epub 2012 Aug 27. PMID: 22969803
Danese MD, O’Malley C, Lindquist K, Gleeson M, Griffiths RI. Prevalence and Incidence of Comorbid Conditions in Older Women with Breast Cancer. Ann Oncol. 2011 Oct 29. PMID: 22039090
Kilpatrick RD, Danese MD, Belozeroff V, Smirnakis K, Goodman WG, Rothman KJ. The association of vitamin D use with hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients: a case-crossover study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2011 Sep;20(9):914-21. PMID: 21735509
Danese MD, Griffiths RI, Gleeson M, Satram-Hoang S, Knopf K, Mikhael J, Reyes C. An Observational Study of Outcomes After Initial Infused Therapy in Medicare Patients Diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Blood. 2011;117:3505-13. PMID: 21190994
Danese MD, Lalla D, Brammer M, Doan QV, Knopf KB. Estimating Recurrences Prevented from Using Trastuzumab in HER-2/neu Positive Adjuvant Breast Cancer in the United States. Cancer. 2010;116:5575-83. PMID: 20734398


We believe the best work always comes from collaboration. By using a partnered research approach, we’re able to leverage the extensive experience of our core team while bringing fresh vision, insight, and focus to the issue at hand.


We bring an intuitive understanding of what commercial and clinical teams need, because we’ve been in those roles ourselves. This allows us to move quickly and effectively while creating practical solutions that produce measurable results.

Hands on

You have our undivided attention. Every client works directly with us, not with a pool of junior associates. Whatever you need, we’ll be there to get it done.